Author: Mark Simpson

  • Casio PX-780 Digital Piano In-Depth Review

    Casio PX-780 Digital Piano In-Depth Review

    At a glance, one may conclude that the Casio PX-780 digital piano has a lot to offer in terms of its design, features, and sound quality. But as the saying goes, we should not judge a book by its cover. The Casio PX-780 is a model under the ‘Privia’ line which is Casio’s high-end line.…

  • Yamaha DGX 660 Digital Piano Review

    Yamaha DGX 660 Digital Piano Review

    The Yamaha DGX 660 digital piano is part of Yamaha’s best models released under the “Portable Grand” line and its keyboard the only one to have fully-weighted keys. [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MSWY6KX” locale=”US” tag=”digitalpianoplanet-20″]The Yamaha DGX 660[/easyazon_link] has a full 88-key keyboard consisting of high-quality grand piano sounds, incredible and educational features. It also has a high performance…