How to Decorate a Digital Piano – 10 Easy Steps




decorate a digital piano

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Are you interested in learning how to decorate a digital piano? You’re in the right place!

Digital pianos can be a great addition to any home. They give you the ability to play music at your convenience.

They also provide you with an opportunity for musical expression in a unique way.

One of the most important features of digital pianos is their look. This is why we want to talk about how you can decorate yours with style!

10 Easy Ways You Can Decorate a Digital Piano

We will give 10 easy steps on how to decorate your piano so that it looks as good as it sounds.

Step One: Choose a Color Scheme.

One of the first things you’ll want to do is choose a color scheme that matches your personality and decor.

For example, if you enjoy bold colors like reds or oranges then go for it! However, if you’re more conservative with neutral colors such as whites or grays keep them in mind too.

Also, consider the space where you’re placing the piano when choosing a color so that they match perfectly.

For instance, white works great for rooms with lots of natural light while darker tones tend to work better in dimly lit spaces.

This is due to their ability to absorb more light easily. You can also get creative by painting your digital pianos different shades of one particular color.

Step Two: Personalize Your piano.

Another great way to decorate a digital piano is by personalizing it! You can do this in a variety of ways. These include painting on the keys or making them stand out with stickers and decals.

If you choose to paint each key, make sure that you use quality paints. That’s because they will be taking quite the beating over time when played repeatedly.

Also, keep in mind where you are planning on placing your keyboard when picking what colors to use. Mainly because pianos tend to attract dust easily.

When that happens, it could cause some unwanted color transfers if not properly taken care of!

While using stickers and decals might seem like an easy option for adding character, note that these pieces may peel off after a while. This will eventually leave your piano looking boring.

Step Three: Display a Message on the Keys.

Another great way to decorate a digital piano is by writing important messages or inspirational quotes onto the key’s surface!

The possibilities are endless here since you can write anything. This includes writing lyrics, song titles, and names of loved ones that have passed away.

However, if you do want to go down this route ensure that you use quality markers as well.

That’s because they tend not to work very well when used excessively for long periods.

Also, be careful who sees what you’ve written as some people might find it offensive due to their personal nature. Although it depends on where you display the messages.

You’ll also want to keep in mind how much light exposure the piano will be subject to. This is because it could cause marker colors to fade after prolonged periods.

Step Four: Add Lights

Adding light is another great way to decorate a digital piano that gives off an extra level of vibrancy!

There are many types of lighting options available on the market today. So, you’ll want to consider what best suits your needs before making a purchase.

For example, if you plan on playing with the lights turned out then go for soft-glow or LED colored bulbs. Since they have little impact when it comes down to seeing things clearly.

However, if your goal is more about having bright and vibrant illumination around your keyboard at all times then incandescent lamps work great!

Keep in mind that these types of lights are brighter. This means it will be more difficult to play with them turned on, especially in dimly lit rooms.

Step Five: Use Stickers and Decals Sparingly

Using too many stickers can make your digital piano look messy. This is why you want to stick to using them only when necessary!

You’ll also want to use quality printing methods for these pieces since they tend not to stay put very well over time.

Mainly due to the sticky adhesive used that may cause color transfer if left exposed for long periods.

Also, consider who will likely see your keyboard when deciding how many characters you’d like added through this method.

That’s because some people might find it distracting or tacky depending on what’s being displayed.

ALSO READ: How to Anchor a Digital Piano on the Wall

Step Six: Keep It Simple

Oftentimes less truly is more when it comes to decorating a digital piano in the end! So if you’re in doubt about whether or not something looks good, go with your gut feeling.

Because there’s nothing worse than trying too hard and coming out looking tacky instead of tasteful.

In addition, remember to take into consideration how much light exposure your room will have since this can cause colors from stickers and decals used on top of keys to fade over time. Which could look unappealing after some time has passed.

Step Seven: Use Quality Paints for Painting on Keys

Paints are one thing that tend to be under-looked when it comes down to decorating a digital piano.

This is why you’ll want to ensure that they are of high quality for them not to fade after prolonged periods of exposure.

If you plan on painting the inside or outside case then consider using acrylic paint. Since it will be less likely to chip when used excessively over time.

But if your goal is more about decorating keys themselves then opt for a quality watercolor marker instead!

Step Eight: Use Quilting & Craft Supplies with Care

When adding character through embellishing digital pianos with appliques and decals, please do so sparingly.

That’s because too much can easily make things look cluttered rather than interesting!

Also, note that these types of items might peel off over time depending on how long they’ve been on the keys.

And how much use they’ve been getting which is why you’ll want to make sure that everything stays put and looks good before making a final purchase.

Step Nine: Don’t forget Your Warranty!

When decorating digital pianos, don’t forget about taking into consideration any warranties or service plans offered by manufacturers.

Because this could be important if something does end up going wrong after a while such as damage due to water exposure (which may void certain parts of your warranty!).

Step Ten: Have Fun!

The most important part of decorating a digital piano is to ensure your having fun while doing it.

So, don’t stress yourself out too much over the final result. Because chances are that if you’re taking this task seriously then something’s bound to go wrong.

Instead, keep things light and relaxed by having some friends around for support. As well as enjoying whatever snacks or drinks are on hand before getting started!


Decorating a digital piano is an easy process that anyone can do. There are many options available for how to decorate your piano.

And we’ve provided some of our ideas above to help you with the entire process.

I hope we’ve offered you useful insights to help decorate a digital piano in your home or studio.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding our post, feel free to reach out to us through email.

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