Want to learn how to play iris on ukulele? You’re in the right place! Iris is a song by the band The Goo-Goo Dolls. If you are looking to play it on your ukulele, here’s how!
1) Play four open G chords in the pattern of “GG” (for example: G-G-D-D).
2) On the fifth chord (or D), strum down and up quickly for one measure. Repeat this process three more times until you reach an A.
3) Strum once on that A chord and then repeat steps 1 through 3 with different chords until you have reached the end of the song!
4) If you need help, check out how to play iris on ukulele with YouTube!
Why Should You Play Iris on Ukulele?
Playing iris on ukulele is a great way to learn how to play the song, practice chords and techniques, or even just show off your skills.
How Do You Play Iris Intro?
The intro to iris is a very simple chord pattern. Just G-G-D-D, then repeat this three more times until you reach an A. Once you have played the A chord, strum down and up quickly for one measure before repeating steps one through four!
What Key is Iris in?
Iris is in the key of G major. If you are familiar with how to play iris on ukulele, it will be easier for you since all chords are played within that scale!
What is the Tuning of Iris?
The tuning for iris is in G-C-E-A. This means that all of the strings on your ukulele should be tuned to these notes!
What is the Hardest Note to Play on Ukulele?
The hardest note to play on ukulele is probably the twelfth fret of the A string, but that will just take some practice!
What BPM is Iris?
Iris is at a tempo of 70 bpm. This means that each measure (or bar) will last roughly 0.57 seconds!
Can I Teach Myself to Play Ukulele?
Yes! Playing iris is an easy way to learn how to play the ukulele. There are many resources online that teach how to play the different chords, how to hold your instrument, and so much more. You can also go into a music store or take lessons if you want someone there with you as well.
What Ukulele Chords Should I Learn First?
The first chord you should learn how to play is G. This will be the basis for how to play iris on ukulele!
The most songs can be played on a basic ukulele with C, D, G, and Em as the most basic fundamental ukulele chords to learn. These set you up to play a lot of songs, and each of them is simple to master.
ALSO READ: How to Play Electric Ukulele
How Do You Memorize Ukulele Chords?
Memorizing how to play iris on ukulele is easy if you simply remember how to play the chord. If you want, try singing along with how it sounds and match up the pitch of your voice! This will make it easier for you to keep track of where each chord needs to be played without having a direct reference like sheet music in front of you.
For example: G – D – Em
Each letter represents one note that goes into making that specific sound. The more familiarized yourself are with how notes work, the better off you’ll be when memorizing chords or even learning how to play songs by ear!
Learning how to play iris on ukulele is quite easy. Nevertheless, it helps to have a good resource by your side if you get stuck. Check out how to play iris on ukulele with the simple steps we’ve outlined in this post.