Digital Piano Static Noise (SOLVED)




Digital Piano Static Noise fix

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You may hear static noise when playing your piano. In addition to being annoying, the noise could indicate that anything is amiss with your piano’s mechanism. In most cases, if you know what you’re looking for, you can easily resolve the problem. Hence, this article will guide you through the possible cause of the problem, how to check it, and also the possible solution to the static noise.

What Causes Digital Piano Static Noise?

A number of things could be wrong with your piano. They are listed below

Loose mechanical parts in the instrument soundboard

When items fall on the soundboard or a bolt becomes loose, it can lead to static noise when you play. This is because there is vibration caused by those items when they strike a key hence causing the annoying noise.

Dirty voice coil

Another major contributing factor to static noise in digital pianos is dirty coils. When the coils are supposed to produce the sound this might lead to distortion of static noise from the digital piano soundboard.

An electrical issue in the soundboard

Loose wires and bridging connections can create another major cause of static noise in digital pianos. This static noise is produced from the random spark produced by these faulty wires and connections.

How To Fix Digital Piano Static Noise

  1. You might need to start from the diagnostic process which is external, a chief part of that process is tracing wires. Trace all of the cables connected to the piano to ensure no wire is damaged. In the case of a damaged wire, you might need to replace the wire completely. If no wire is found to be broken or damaged, externally, it might be an internal problem. Try turning the digital piano on and off multiple times to see if there is a form of spark from a wire or spark sound while you turn it on and off.
  2. Unscrew the piano to clean the soundboard, but remember that this is a very delicate process. Be careful when with the screw and remove the casing to avoid damaging an essential part of the piano. Clean the soundboard gently without exerting too much pressure on it.
  3. Now that the piano has been unscrewed, check to ensure no loose screw is available on the piano board.
  4. Turn it on after fixing some of the necessary parts. If the static noise persists, check the internal wiring and connections for any damaged wire or faulty connection. This should solve the problem.

Keyboard Static Noise

Static noise in the keyboard is an annoying noise production before or during play and most time primarily caused by carelessness.

This is majorly a response to dust, objects in the keyboard, or grounding problems. The problem might not necessarily require you to take the keyboard to a repair shop.

Proper cleaning, checking for loose items in the keyboard or fixing the poor connection on the board may easily fix the problem.

Yamaha Keyboard Static Sound

In most cases, static noise in the Yamaha keyboard is produced from the single or both channels of the CPU board. Ideally, one of the most effective ways to trace the source of the problem is by tracing individual wires.

However, to fix the keyboard static noise, you will have to unscrew the metal cover from the CPU board to access it.

The connector cable is found directly on the left side of the CPU board. Upon locating, simply remove and plug it back in a couple of times. This process should fix the problem, if it doesn’t, try repeating the process until the problem is fixed.

Digital Piano Speaker Noise

Noise or distortion from the digital piano speaker could be a very easy fix or an indication of serious damage.

A simple cable diagnosis can help you solve this problem. Check for any bad wire to fix the problem. If problems persist after fixing damaged or old cables, you might need to visit a piano technician to prevent serious faults.

Digital Piano Sound Problem

The piano sound problem includes

  • Distorted sound
  • Buzzing or static sound
  • No sound
  • Breaking sound after playing for a long time

Piano Keys Clicking Sound

Clicking noise from pianos is from the action mechanism. This is the part that produces the different sound variations including the strings, hammers, dampers, and the other elements.

Although when this clicking sound becomes obvious for you to hear, it might indicate a problem that requires urgent repair. The following step can guide you to fix the problem yourself

  1. Open the piano lids or frame
  2. Play the keys one after the other to locate the faulty keys
  3. Diagnose the cause of the clicking sound
  4. Since it is most likely caused by the interaction between the damper and the hammer of the key, check to see which is loose of these two.
  5. Fix the loose key
  6. Play the key again to confirm the problem has been solved.

Piano Key Noise

One fact that is simple enough to understand is that “piano keys will always produce noise”.

Even though this noise is almost entirely the same in both digital piano and acoustic piano, the noise is lesser in an acoustic piano.

This is because of the piano sound from the acoustic piano which cancels out the key noise. A simple cause of the key noise is the playing action (obviously the key can produce sound by hitting something else which is the keybed).

Casio Privia Key Noise

Casio Privia keyboards have an excellent key that is specifically highlighted in its manual as “graded and weighted”.

The keys are weighted to give the player that feeling of playing a real piano. The effect of the weighted keys is what leads to the noise the keys produce. However, the keys are graded which means the noise is heavier than each other.

How To Fix Squeaky Digital Piano Keys

Squeaky keys can greatly annoy you when playing the piano. Most times, this problem may not be hard to fix.

The first thing you need to know is that the piano keys are held down by a kind of brass pin on which they move while in play.

However, over time the pins might get oxidized and cause annoying squeaky noise. This problem can be easily fixed by simply polishing it to clear out the oxidizing surface.


Static noise and other distracting sounds can be annoying when playing the piano, hence, this article has compiled a comprehensive approach to help you out in such situations. From the static noise to clicking sound, with this article you can know what’s causing it and how to deal with it.

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