The Number of Keys You Need to Learn Piano




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Most people wonder about the ideal number of keys you need to learn piano. This question is most common among beginners or aspiring pianists because they are confused and don’t know where to start.

The simple answer is you need a full-size 88-key piano to learn piano. But, if you don’t have that option you shouldn’t worry because you only need an average of 49 keys to learn how to play the piano.

That’s because this will provide you with the hands-on experience you need to become a professional with time. Although most piano instructions in the early days of your learning focus around the center of the keyboard, it’s important for a beginner to be comfortable with a full-sized piano as early as possible.

Full-sized pianos usually have 88 keys, but there are variations with 76 keys, 61 keys, and even 25 keys. The only disadvantage of learning to play the piano without full-sized keys is that you won’t have enough room for growth and improvement as you continue learning. It’s like going to learn how to drive with a car that only has a top speed of less than 50 mph.

The Benefits of Learning Piano with More Keys

keys you need to learn piano

Numerous benefits come from learning how to play the piano with a large number of keys. First of all, the modern piano has 88 keys and not knowing how to play it will be a disadvantage and require you to go for more lessons. However, if you start learning to play the piano with full-sized 88 keys, you’ll be in a better position to play the modern piano.

Another benefit is that earlier pianos had fewer octaves, as opposed to the 7 full octaves that you’ll find on a modern keyboard. Therefore, earlier compositions for the 5 octaves; a good example is Mozart who only had 5 octaves available to him.

But, that didn’t limit Mozart in any way. Therefore, learning with an 88-key piano will come in handy and help you avoid any issues in your playing career.

Do I Need 88 Keys to Learn Piano?

Yes, you certainly need 88 keys to learn piano. However, there is the option of choosing a piano with lesser keys if you lack the option of an 88-key piano. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t recommend learning piano with lesser keys because it will be a massive hindrance to your playing career.

An 88-key piano will offer plenty of room for improvement, added skill, and help you grow tremendously. Therefore, the right number of keys you need to learn piano is 88, as it will offer the best options.

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Do You Need Weighted Keys to Learn Piano?

Yes, it’s important to have weighted keys when learning piano because. That’s because it will help you to easily transition between a piano and a keyboard, enable you to develop great finger strength and dexterity, and accurately learn to control dynamics.

Should I Get a 76 or 88-key Piano?

The most recommended option is an 88-key piano because it has a lot of features and benefits to offer. This is especially if you’re a beginner and want to master how to appropriately play the piano.

It will significantly come in handy and enable you to grow. However, in a case where you don’t have the option of an 88-key piano, a 76-key piano is also not such a bad idea to have.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the ideal number of keys you need to learn piano is 88. It’s important to have an 88-key piano as a beginner pianist to help you master the instrument and grow properly. It will also offer a lot of beneficial features and enough room to grow. Therefore, that’s an essential factor to consider.

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