Is It Good Practice To Use Synthesia To Figure Out Songs?




Is It Good Practice To Use Synthesia To Figure Out Songs

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If you are new to the Synthesia program, you might not know that it is widely used by beginners and amateurs alike to figure out songs they want to play.

However, some people have expressed concerns over whether this practice is good.

You can use Synthesia to help you to figure out a song if you are an amateur pianist and you just want to learn how to play a few songs on your own. You can also use it as a game. However, if you want to play professionally, you should avoid using Synthesia. 

Is Synthesia Worth It?

This is the question on many people’s minds. Recently, many have been re-evaluating their experiences with this controversial software.

Is Synthesia Worth ItSynthasia claims that anyone can become a music artist within only six months of using its program, while others believe that you need prior experience in music even to begin using this software.

Either way, Synthasia is a handy tool for someone who wants to try creating electronic music but doesn’t know where or how to start. It has been noted that some songs created by Syntheisia have gone viral after being posted on social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook.

Is Synthesia Safe

Yes! Synthesia is a piano notation emulator that allows you to play the piano even if you do not know how to read music or can’t play at all yet.

It has many songs built-in and more added every day and an editor so users can make their note slides for various songs they want to learn.

This software has been used by over 4 million people since 2008 and is very popular among beginners and intermediate players alike. Synthesia does NOT negatively affect the computer or the keyboard.

Synthesia Review

A Synthesia program is a music-creating algorithm, which composes musical pieces in the style of another composer. Although it may seem like an artificial concept, the technology behind making these tunes has been used for centuries.

There are studies on using algorithms to compose classical pieces. Recent developments in neural networks and machine learning have led to modern technologies that can generate high-quality compositions that sound like human composers made them.

Synthesia Pros

  • It can be used to find harmonies/ chords for songs you’ve heard but don’t know the name of or composition music you’d like to put together yourself.
  • You can use it to understand what different instruments sound like in different contexts (ie: classical vs jazz).
  • This helps beginners learn how to hear and make sense of Melodies in the context of other instruments and harmony (which usually happens simultaneously when listening to music).
  • Synthesia encourages trying out new things without fear of failure, if you hit a wrong note or chord it won’t necessarily sound bad.
  • Synthesia helps you to start building up an ear for music, even if you don’t know how to read sheet music.

Synthesia Cons

  • It keeps glitching what you’ll be playing even when you press play before the song starts.
  • The graphics are horrible, and it’s hard to see where your fingers are placed.

Which is Better: Melodics or Synthesia?

Different musical labels are essential to understand how they can be applied to music, but sometimes these labels end up being used incorrectly. Two such terms are “Melodics and Synthesia.”


These two terms are often used interchangeably when someone has experienced Melodics and Synthesis.

Both people with one kind of Synesthesia (e.g., only experiencing color synesthesia) and people who don’t have synesthesia at all might claim that someone else must be experiencing both Melodics and Synthesia because the person claims that they hear colors or sounds, respectively. However, it’s not nearly as simple as that.

The difference between Melodics and Synthesic sounds is difficult to explain. It is not necessarily based on how the sound is heard but instead on what causes the person to have their synesthesia in the first place.

For example, someone who experiences Synthesia will listen to sounds in response to music or spoken words. They might even share every letter of certain words having its distinct color. Someone experiencing Melodics synesthesia hears musical notes in response to letters and words being read aloud.

Melodics is more common than Synthesia because most people are exposed to music much more regularly than they are exposed to language, which causes them to have this kind of synesthesia.

In other words, hearing a song for the first time will be entirely new for someone who has only experienced music via the representation of these notes on a page. However, they will be more familiar with the language and its relationship to letters.

Therefore, someone who experiences Melodics doesn’t need to train their brain as someone would for Synthesis new since that visual stimulus (notes on paper) is already burned into their memory.

This can be seen in how quickly most people can learn music compared to how long it might take them to learn languages via reading or typing/writing words.

To put it simply, Melodics is when you hear notes, whereas Synthesic is when you see colors.

The Bright Side of Synthesia Practice

For any of these practices to be helpful, you will need a MIDI keyboard. A basic MIDI keyboard costs around 20$ at the cheapest. 

For those who don’t know what a midi keyboard is, it’s basically like playing an instrument like a piano, but you play keys instead (and it’s played by pressing down keys rather than hitting actual piano strings). This is just a short description of what Synthesia is.

Synth Practice List

  • Play all possible notes on your keyboard using one finger only. This will help develop the different intervals that are used in Synthesia. So make sure to use your thumb for any white key and any other finger for black keys.
  • When playing with three fingers, play every chord possible with all three of them (e.g., significant, minor, etc.) but also try doing this with two or four fingers as well. Also, try arpeggiated chords instead of simply strumming down across all strings at once.

Synthesia Price

Synthesia can be bought for $30 from their official Shop. After purchase, a download link to a free song pack will be provided.

The software requires a MIDI-compatible keyboard controller plugged into your computer via USB or an external sound card with at least one MIDI input port. It cannot function without either one.

You can still play manually using your computer’s keyboard and mouse if you have neither, just like on Guitar Hero.


The Synthesis program helps by showing individuals what keys they should press to play pieces of music even though they may not know the song. Although this seems like an excellent way for beginners who cannot find sheet music of songs they want to learn, there are drawbacks and skillsets needed before using this method as an aid.

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