How to Play Piano with Double Jointed Fingers




How to Play Piano with Double Jointed Fingers

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Playing piano with double-jointed fingers is a talent that few people possess. The ability to stretch your fingers, especially when they are in the air, is an advantage that separates you from others who can’t do so.

Do you want to learn how to play the piano with double-jointed fingers? You are in luck! This post will teach you everything there is to know about playing the piano with double-jointed fingers.

Play Piano with Double Jointed Fingers

Hypermobility and Piano Playing

Don’t let that stop you from playing the piano if you have hypermobility! With a little bit of practice, you can learn to play using your double-jointed fingers. Here is what you need to do.

  1. Start by practicing at home – It may be helpful to have some essential sheet music or exercises that you can work on in your own time. This will allow you to get comfortable with the motions needed to play the piano before trying them out in public.
  2. Focus on accuracy, not speed – Playing the piano takes a lot of practice, and it’s important not to rush through your exercises or pieces. Make sure each note is played correctly, even if it means taking your time.
  3. Use a metronome – A metronome can be extremely helpful when practicing, as it will help you keep a steady beat while you play. This is especially important if you are still building up speed and accuracy.
  4. Stay patient, and don’t get discouraged – Learning to play the piano takes time and practice. But eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. Don’t give up if things seem difficult at first. With perseverance, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time.

Hypermobility Guitar

Playing the guitar with hypermobility can be a real challenge. Your fingers will want to do their own thing, and it’s hard to keep them in line.

But with a bit of practice, you can overcome this obstacle and become a great guitarist!

Here are some tips for playing the guitar with double-jointed fingers:

  • Make sure your hands are well-hydrated before playing. This will help reduce the chances of your fingers cramping up.
  • Stretch out your hands and fingers before playing. This will help loosen them up and make them more flexible.
  • Use lighter strings on your guitar. Heavier strings can be challenging to play with hypermobile fingers, so lighter strings will make things easier.
  • Be patient – It takes time to learn how to play the guitar with double-jointed fingers. But with practice, you’ll be able to master it!

Double Jointed Fingers When Playing Bass

Playing the piano with double-jointed fingers can be challenging, but it is doable. You will need to adjust your technique slightly to compensate for the lack of flexibility. Here are two important tips:

  1. Use more arm movement and less finger movement. This will help you play faster and smoother.
  2. Keep your hands as close to the keys as possible. This will give you more leverage and make it easier to move your hands around.

Double Jointed Pinky

Having double jointed pinky fingers can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it can make playing the piano much easier.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to keep your pinky in place when you’re not playing the piano.

If you have a double-jointed pinky, the first thing you need to do is to find a comfortable position for your hands.

Depending on which chords you are trying to play, you may need to adjust your hands. When you’re not playing the piano, it’s essential to keep your pinky in place. One way to do this is to use a rubber band or hair tie to hold your pinky down.

Another way is to tuck your pinky under your thumb. This will help keep your pinky in place and prevent it from bending backward. Using a double-jointed pinky can be difficult. But with practice, you’ll be able to play all of your favorite songs on the piano.

Double Jointed Thumb Guitar

Playing the guitar with double-jointed thumbs can be a bit tricky. But once you get the hang of it, it’s easy to do. Here are some tips for playing the guitar with double-jointed thumbs:

  • Use your fingers to fret the strings instead of your thumb. This will help keep your thumb in position and make it easier to play chords.
  • When strumming, use a downstroke motion rather than an upstroke motion. This will also help keep your thumb in position.
  • Be careful not to press too hard on the strings when fretting them – this can cause unwanted noise and make it difficult to play cleanly. Just apply enough pressure to mute the string when you fret it.
  • Practice – You’ll get used to playing with your double-jointed thumbs in no time.

Buckling Fingers

Buckling fingers is a term used when one or more of your fingers can bend back towards the backside of your hand.

This is usually caused by being double-jointed, but sometimes it’s just because you have hypermobile joints in general.

There are ways to help with this if it becomes painful and limiting for playing the piano! Some of these ways include:

  • Use a brace or splint to keep your fingers in place and from bending backward. You can find these at most pharmacies or medical supply stores.
  • Wearing rubber bands around your fingers to help keep them straight. This is probably the cheapest solution, but it might not be as comfortable or look as nice as using a brace.
  • Stretching exercises – These can help you loosen up your joints and muscles, making playing the piano easier and less painful. Plenty of online resources offer stretches for double-jointed fingers, so do some research to see what works best for you.

Hitchhikers Thumb Piano

The hitchhiker’s thumb is also known as the Ravel’s thumb, after the French composer Maurice Ravel, who was born with two extra digits on the one hand.

The hitchhiker’s thumb is sometimes called a prehensile or adaptive thumb because you can use it to grasp objects more efficiently than other thumbs.


The ability to play piano using your flexible fingers is a fantastic talent. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t blessed with this skill or learned how to master it. That’s because it takes practice. However, once you get the hang of it, can amaze your friends and family with your newfound skill.

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